
Information on how to obtain a regular client agreement with the LBR and its effects

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    Who can get an agreement ?

    To simplify the administrative procedures at the LBR, clients who regularly order a large number of documents with the LBR can benefit of a “major client” agreement.

    The “major client” has several advantages :

    • A monthly invoice with all the services he took advantage of (filings, company profile requests, certificate requests or copies)
    • Easier connection to the LBR website

    Easier way to process requests online

    • Payment of requests

      The electronically ordered services are listed on the client’s monthly invoice.

      The electronic invoicing of services is only possible if the client connected to the LBR website with a professional electronic certificate issued by “Luxtrust S.A”.

    • Request services electronically

      The electronically ordered services have to be done via the LBR website.

      Following services can be requested :

      • Company profile requests,
      • Certificate requests,
      • Consultation of electronic documents,

      The electronically ordered company profiles and certificates can be delivered electronically or on paper, as preferred

      Digitalized documents can only be issued electronically.

    New function: Follow-up on online requests

    As a regular client of the LBR, you can from now on follow-up on all your requests done via the website.

    The user management application, allows you to define and manage your user accounts and gives you the option to define a grouping for each user. The LBR provides you with 2 groupings: (1) individual view an (2) global view as well as the possibility to create more groupings according to your needs.

    • Individual view

      A user with the “individual view” grouping can only see his requests and orders in the menu “My orders” on the LBR website.

    • Global view

      A user with the “global view” has access to all the requests and orders done by the company. In order to facilitate the follow-up, the requests are grouped per user.

    • New grouping

      f your company is large in size and the global view groups too many persons of different services, you can create a new grouping to “gather” the persons per service.

    Note: a person can only belong to one grouping !

    For more information on this topic, please refer to the user guide of the user management application.